Foster Care
Short or long term care support for children and youth in difficult situations
Evolving Youth Care has operated licensed foster care services for over 15 years and is expanding services to include the provision of parent model programs. Foster care beds are available across the region serving males and females of all ages.
Parent model programs offer staff support, up to a maximum of 40 hours per week, and regular foster care beds are supported by a Child and Youth Worker for approximately six hours weekly. All foster care programs focus on the individual needs of each youth, and allow for integration into a family like setting. Clients in our foster care system have access to EYC’s clinical resources and support.
Foster care is intended to provide a healthy and stable living situation for children and youth, who, for many different reasons, are unable to live with their own families on a short or long term basis. Foster care is aimed at providing such children and youth with support, to meet their physical, intellectual, educational, emotional and social needs and to help them positively move forward in their lives. Foster parents can expect that children who come into their care, will have experienced some trauma such as physical or sexual abuse, neglect, family conflict, exposure to domestic violence, or parental illness. Overcoming such difficulties is never simple, however foster parents have the potential to be the agents of change that will make a positive difference in the life of a child/youth.
Is foster parenting for me?
Understand the fostering basics to see if it might be a fit for you.
Foster parents
We are looking for foster parents to work with EYC.